Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Full Time Everything

If I were to write a little update on us I would say something like...being a full-time mom + being a full-time student = not enough hours in the day to clean your house or work out at the gym or fix healthy meals or do any fun fall crafts or go on "girls trip" to Washington D.C.! I tell Miles everyday that this is my last semester for sure! But then I get this knot in my stomach that tells me I NEED to graduate! Confession: I have been going to college since I WAS 16 YEARS OLD!!! You would think that would have been an advantage to graduating early right?! Why have a not graduated then? It's a long story, but to say the least I went to George Wythe (non accredited) for about 3 years, traveled a ton, and started at a university pretty late. To finish or not to finish...is the hardest question ever! BUT if you are like me, you probably skipped this whole paragraph and went straight the pictures of the cutest baby ever!

So an update on Winn: He got his first haircut because it was getting so shaggy around the ears that I kept tucking it behind them. Miles said it made him look like a girl, to which I disagreed but cut it anyway. He is certainly sooooo handsome! He has the army crawl down to a T and is just figuring out how to crawl on his hands and knees (until he figures he can get to a dangerous object faster by doing the army crawl.) He still only has two teeth, but still drools like a fat kid looking at a twinkie! He will probably grow up to be a huge flirt (just like his dad) because he will smile, giggle, and jibber jabber at every women that looks at him at the store. He is an extremely happy and social baby! However, his claim to fame is his growl! He is constantly growling and then laughing at himself. It makes for some good humor during church, or at the store, or IN HIS SLEEP, or when he is playing with his friends... I'll try to get a video of it. He won't eat fruit, only squash and green beans. His favorite toys are plugs, plastic sacks, and sucking on shoes (of course I don't let him.) And his daddy is still his best friend. I sure love having this bundle of joy in my life and couldn't imagine our lives any happier!

This is how he will put his binki in his mouth to crawl across the room. Cant leave it behind!!! Daddy teaching him young

Falling asleep to accounting...can you blame him?

Preparing for winter All clean!


  1. Winn is so cute! You will never have enough time to do everything so just pick and choose. Love ya and miss ya.

  2. Hang in there! You'll be so proud of yourself when you finish your degree. Just imagine trying to finish with three kids under you heels. I'd proud of you! Winn is deliously cute!!

  3. Randee :) I didn't know you had a blog. I'm excited. It's been FOREVER! It looks like you three are so happy -- busy, but happy! I hope all is going well for you and your cute little family!!
